November 22 – December 3
Duration: 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM / 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM (CDMX – Houston)
- 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM / 2:00 PM- 4:00 PM (Bogotá)
- 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM / 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM (Venezuela)
Mode: Online
Main Objective
Even though Electrosubmersible Pumping (ESP) or Electro Centrifugal Pumping (ECP) is a used artificial lift method, there are some conceptual and operational aspects that are not clearly understood and require a detailed review to guarantee an appropriate application and profitability of this method. To have an adequate ESP well operation and optimal use of resources, it is necessary to select the appropriate wells for use based on the advantages and limitations of the method, understand each of its components, know the equipment design / sizing process, and its optimization.
Specific Objetives
- Understand what an ESP system is and how it works and where it should be used
- Understand the implications and risks of failure due to poor design or poor operation of an ESP system.
- Understand what information is required and how a ESP design and optimization is carried out regardless of the software used for this purpose.
- Learn / expand / correct concepts and phenomena essential for proper design and optimization of ESP systems.
- Understand and infer best practices for the design, analysis, optimization and monitoring of ESP systems.
Who should attend
- Petroleum Engineers
- Production Engineers
- Optimization Engineers
- Oilfield Operation Engineers or Technicians

Sergio Caicedo,
Bachelor of Physics and Computer Engineering from the University Simón Bolívar Venezuela and Master in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Austin, Texas – USA.
Senior Production Engineer with 28 years of experience as a technical expert and consultant in Artificial lift and production systems.
He has developed many projects in well / field optimization, research and software development focused on detecting opportunities to maximize oil and gas production.
He has vast experience in production technology solutions, well and field monitoring, oil reservoirs, integrated asset modeling and stimulation.
He has provided technical support to oil companies in the Middle East, North and South America in areas such as optimization and field operations, implementation of strategic technology, development of best practices and Standard of Operating Procedures.
- Evaluation at the beginning of the course.
- Comparison with other artificial lift methods:
- Electrosumergible Pumping
- Advantages and Limitations
- Generic application window
- Components of the ESP system
- Application window considering well restrictions.
- Theory of centrifugal pumps
- Theoretical performance curve for centrifugal pump
- Real performance curve for centrifugal pump (catalog supplied by manufacturers)
- Difference between centrifugal pumps and positive displacement pumps
- Up Thrust and Down Thrust. Suggested operational range. Affinity laws for centrifugal pumps.
- Affinity laws for motors.
- Nomenclature for ESP stages names and ESP engine names.
- ESP design process
- Nodal analysis brief review
- Review Inflow curve IPR. How the design and operation of the ESP is affected
- Review outflow curve for natural flow and ESP lifted wells
- Effects of the free gas fraction in BES. Clarifying and expanding the vision of the problem of free gas.
- Selection of the pump model
- Determination of the number of stages
- Selection of the bottom gas separator.
- Selection of the downhole motor
- Cable selection
- Selection of surface equipment
- Evaluation / analysis of ESP systems
- Corrections by viscosity
- Free gas effects
- Basic diagnostics of ESP systems
- Monitoring of ESP systems
- Evaluation at the end of the course.
Added Value of the knowledge acquired and in the course
- Understand what an ESP system is, how it works and where it should be used
- Understand the implications and risks of failure of an ESP system due to a bad design or a bad operation
- Understand the information required and how an ESP design or optimization is done regardless of the software used for this purpose
- Learn / expand / correct essential concepts and phenomena for proper design and optimization of ESP systems
- Understand and deduce best practices for the design, analysis, optimization and monitoring of ESP systems.