Integral Methodology to Optimize Rod Pumping Wells
Worldwide production engineers daily face challenges related to improving well performance and production optimization. These are expected results that require not only reliable well data, but also effective methodologies – not always available- to achieve such “production success”. Well data encompasses: completion, production, li fting equipment and reservoir, among other relevant well data that needs to be systematically kept for all optimization efforts.
In addition, there is often a delay in the analysis and diagnosis process, given the lack of a methodology that defines in advance which data is required for the simulation, so the process becomes reactive.
In UPC Global, we have developed integral methodologies and strategies to optimize production in oil wells with different artificial lift systems. Our experience over the years and results obtained with our customers globally has enabled us to improve such methodologies, therefore we intend to share and disclose as part of our goal to contribute with the energy sector professionals.
This time we bring you a guide of our methodology to optimize rod pumping oil wells developed by the expert team at UPC Global.
Category: Technical Papers Tag: English