Double Containment Sumps


Prevent leaks and spills from contaminating the surrounding environment.


PCC Double Containment sump provides an added layer of protection by using an inner and outer sump to prevent leaks and spills from contaminating the surrounding environment.


  • Double containment sumps prevent leaks and spills from contaminating soil and groundwater, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations.
  • By containing hazardous materials within two layers, double containment sumps reduce the risk of exposure to personnel and the surrounding community.
  • The space between the inner and outer sumps can be monitored for leaks, allowing for early detection and maintenance before a full breach occurs.
  • Using double containment sumps helps meet stringent industry and governmental safety and environmental standards, avoiding potential fines and shutdowns.
  • By providing an additional barrier against corrosion and physical damage, double containment sumps help prolong the lifespan of the primary containment systems and equipment.
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Katy, TX 77494