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3 online courses every oil company employee must take

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Currently, in the world, we are living some really hard days for all humanity and when we refer to all humanity it is literally all humanity, but despite the unfortunate situation that is sadly happening, the pursuit of personal growth should not be left to one side, quite the contrary! It should be taken advantage of, so to speak, now that you have the time that you perhaps did not have before and improve your professional potential so once all this happens - believe us, it will happen - you can stand out from the rest of the professionals at the time to return to your work or find a new one.

The oil industry continues to reinvent itself with each passing day and is not a secret to anyone that continues to be the undisputed leader for the world economy. Staying ahead when it comes to acquiring related knowledge will take you one step closer to achieving your goals as an expert in the field.

Learning is the most valuable thing you can share and acquire. Fortunately, with the advancement of technology, it is easier to expand our knowledge through online courses. At UPC Global Academy, we have online courses that are perfectly suited to the topics you need to learn to stand out from the rest, enriching your curriculum summary as well. At the moment, we have 3 online courses for you to increase your knowledge in Artificial Lift and become an expert from the comfort of your home; In this way, you will be contributing to the protection against COVID-19, both yours and your loved one while you acquire the knowledge that you have been waiting for.

The 3 online courses that will position yourself in the global market

  • Continuous Gas Lift (English): Continuous Gas Lift (CGL) is an artificial lift system that involves injecting gas into the tube using an essentially designed downhole GL valve and located for this purpose.


CGL has been in use for many decades and is commonly used in many fields around the world. However, there are some conceptual and operational aspects that are not clearly understood and require detailed review to ensure the proper application of this method.


The purpose of this course is for you to understand the theoretical foundations of Continuous Gas Lift and the interrelation of all the components that make up this system.


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  • Nodal Analysis (English): Nodal analysis is the fundamental method most used by production engineers or operators to study and evaluate oil or gas wells. Nodal analysis is a technique to determine the flow condition of a well through two subsystems: "Inlet" and "Outlet" defined by a "node" (reference point).


The concepts of nodal analysis apply to natural flow wells, artificial lift wells to injection wells, and for this reason, it is important to understand the purpose, assumptions, and limitations of the method.

The objective of this online course is for you to understand the principles of nodal analysis, the concepts, the phenomena involved and how they interrelate with the ultimate goal of predicting flows and pressures throughout the system for the production or injection of wells.


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  • Echometer technology and well analysis fundamentals (Spanish): The objective of this course is to provide the production engineer or operator with all the data necessary to analyze the performance of an oil or gas well, through the combinations of equipment and computer programs, and thus obtain a more accurate reading according to the condition of the well.


The Echometer technology is the one that is prevailing within the oil companies, and its precision and ease of application have made it essential when optimizing oil or gas wells.


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So there you have it, these are the courses that you can take from this moment on our platform (upcoglobal.com/academy) if you want to be part of that group of experts that all companies want to have.


The time to do it is now, spend some of your valuable time acquiring new knowledge and become an expert in Artificial Lift.

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