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Continuous Gas Lift: The online course you must take to optimize your Wells

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The world is going through a global crisis caused by a virus that threatens human life, being the most effective weapon against social isolation and distancing, activities that in turn threaten the normal functioning of many jobs, studies, and even the world economy. Many countries have adopted the quarantine modality for the entire population, for this reason, a lot of companies are forced to reorganize and rethink their way of operating to face the situation, in favor of evolution and to win the war against the virus that has already claimed the lives of thousands.

At UPC Global we dared to rethink how to do things while continuing to provide services and offer products that are vital today to keep oil production activities in many companies worldwide, and taking into account the protection of consumers.

We know that there are high chances that according to the authorities in your area you should stay home, that you want to protect your health, but we also know that your life continues and that it is your desire to acquire knowledge and experiences in your area. We are sure that you, as the leader of a team of engineers, would like to provide them with material so that their time of isolation becomes a time of nurturing knowledge. Investing in it is investing directly in increasing the quality of the service you provide. A well-trained engineer means better results, increased production, and successfully completed projects. Therefore, from UPC Global Academy we offer you the best online courses in Continuous Gas Lift at unique prices and with highly certified training personnel worldwide to prepare you and your team.

As pioneers in the art of manipulating the viscosity of crude oil in the well to be extracted, we have sufficient theoretical and experimental bases on artificial lifting using Continuous Gas Lift (CGL), collected in decades of arduous fieldwork. Thanks to this and the great intellectual capacity of our experts, we have put together the best educational programs for professionals and experts in the field.

The Continuous Gas Lift (CGL) course is available now, with limited places, and with an unbeatable price, intended to be taken advantage of during the current contingency period taking into account that the coronavirus crisis attacks directly to the oil industry, with the recent agreements by the oil-producing powers worldwide becoming weaker and weaker, resulting in the drop in prices of barrels of all types. Oil consumption also decreases and will continue to do so as long as the social contingency continues knowing that the low price of a barrel increases the use of economic technologies to extract the so-called black gold, making it profitable to use CGL when it is necessary to implement artificial lifting systems.

At UPC Global we have tools and products from A to Z

In terms of artificial lifting by CGL, so that everyone who prepares at UPC Global Academy will be guided directly with real examples and tools, increasing your profitability and maneuverability in the field. Knowing which product or tool to use accurately in the survey of a project is directly proportional to the increase in the effectiveness of the personnel.

Taking this course places you on the radar of oil companies worldwide, where certified personnel in artificial lifting techniques will always be necessary, not only for having a certificate but for having a basic knowledge of the CGL, internal and external flow, practices in the design of the gas lift system, its limitations, costs, advantages, and disadvantages, on the selection of valves for the different pressures in the production well, among others.

At UPC Global Academy

We are ready to teach you everything about Continuous Gas Lift, so the choice is yours.

Without a doubt, these are difficult times in which we present you with simple ways to optimize your knowledge on optimizing oil wells, taking care of your health, nurturing your experience and the pro-activity of those who should stay home for now.

For more information on the Continuous Gas Lift online course, which is currently only in the English language, visit upcoglobal.com/academ

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