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How to Email Files from Echometer Total Well Management

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1. Start TWM and go to recall mode then click on the open button.

How to email files from Echometer Total Well Management - Step 1

2. Place your mouse over the well that you want and click the right mouse button. This will bring up a utility box, Choose e-mail files from this box and a file transfer box will open up.From this box, select the file or files you want to e-mail and click OK button.

How to email files from Echometer Total Well Management - Step 2

From this box, select the file or files you want to e-mail and click OK button.

How to email files from Echometer Total Well Management - Step 3


3. After clicking ok, if you have Microsoft outlook set up on your computer, Outlook will open up with the files you selected attached to a new message. You will then type the persons e-mail address into the to box and hit the send button.

How to email files from Echometer Total Well Management - Step 4


Total Well Management (TWM)

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