UPC Global Blog

Online Course: Continous Gas Lift

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When we mentioned in our latest blog about the online course called Acquisition of information and field data management of fluid levels using ECHOMETER technology, we talked about how important it is for us to now be able to instruct you to become a competent professional.

At UPC Global we believe that “Knowledge is power” being one of the reasons why we decided to open our own learning academy with online courses, In-Company courses, Echometer, technical papers and more; All this with the purpose of taking your UPC skills to the next level.

In this blog article, we will talk about our next online course and everything you need to know about it so you better read it to the end.

Its purpose is to understand the theoretical foundations of continuous Gas Lift and the interrelation of all the components that make up this system.

The continuous Gas Lift course you were waiting for

The continuous gas lift (CGL) is an artificial lifting system that consists of the injection of gas into the tube through a well-bottomed GL valve specially designed and located for this purpose. The gas lift must be pressurized to displace the liquids from the housing and allow them to overcome the backpressure of the tube at the deepest possible injection point. On the surface, the formation and the gas lift are separated from the liquids, then compressed where one part is reinjected into the GL wells and the rest is used for other purposes or sold. The CGL has been used for many decades and is commonly used in many fields worldwide; however, there are some conceptual and operational aspects that are not clearly understood and require a detailed review to ensure proper application of this method.

CGL is used in wells that stop flowing or to increase production in wells that can flow naturally. The design and optimization of the CGL system aim to reduce the average density in order to reduce the flow pressure of the bottom to increase the production rate. This method is particularly attractive due to its wide production rates, simple termination, easy valve replacement, and robustness.

To have an adequate CGL operation, it is necessary to select the appropriate wells for its users based on the advantages and limitations of the method, understand each of its components, know the design/sizing process of the equipment and its optimization.

Specifically, what will you learn by doing this course?

These are the specific objectives that you will be able to achieve by completing the course:

  • Understand the advantages and limitations of the CGL system. Your application window for proper selection of wells.
  • Understand the components of the CGL system and its functions.
  • Understand how reservoir conditions (influx, % of water, oil gas ratio, PVT properties, viscosity, etc.) and the completion of the well trajectory impose restrictions on the design and optimization of a CGL system.
  • Understand the performance curves of the CGL valve and how to use them.
  • Understand the operational variables that affect CGL performance.
  • Learn the design process step by step (equipment selection and sizing) of a CGL system.
  • Know the difference between design and analysis optimization.
  • Learn about the monitoring and basic diagnosis of CGL.

In order to understand everything that will be exposed in this course you will have to have a series of previous knowledge on the following topics:

  • Basic concepts of production and operations.
  • Basic concepts of reservoir engineering.
  • Basic concepts of general engineering.
  • Basic Excel.

With this in mind, we know that you will successfully acquire all the knowledge about the continuous Gas Lift that you were hoping for so long.

Course communication tools that will make everything easier

An email will be used as a standard form of communication with the instructor. In addition, there is a forum for clarification of questions/answers that may arise during the course.

Also, we will have sessions synchronized in real-time through chat and videoconferencing, which allows students to ask questions and instructors to answer them instantly. This session will be previously announced by the course facilitator.

And now, let's talk about the evaluation

To obtain the course certificate, you must pass an online test with a maximum duration of 60 minutes, which will be activated during a defined date. This information will be sent to the student via email and will be published in the virtual classroom.

75% is the required approval score. Honorable mention will be awarded by having 90%. The participant will have two attempts to pass the exam.

Do not forget that for the realization of our courses you must have an excellent internet connection, desktop/laptop/Tablet/Smart Phone or iPad as well as a set of headphones.

From UPC Global we always focus on the professional growth of engineers, operators, and technicians who are interested in doing so. Artificial Lift knowledge awaits you, so get down to work and take your UPC skills to the next level.

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