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UPC GLOBAL: Personnel training to optimize your oil field

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It is no secret to anyone that the human being is always in the constant search to enrich himself of knowledge and thus enrich the projects in which he puts his mind and dedication to. The search for excellence is something that must be kept in mind to apply in every aspect of our lives, both professionally and personally, this being one of the main reasons why at UPC Global we successfully dedicate training the personnel of the oil companies to take them to fastest optimization, keeping in mind at all times and making it clear that to achieve success, investing in the knowledge of the company's personnel is as important as the investment made in the optimization equipment or instruments, achieving together the expected performance and benefits of the company.

The importance of personnel training lies in its sole and main objective, which is simply to improve the knowledge and skills of those who make up your company; because it is thanks to people, their ideas, their projects and capacities that organizations develop efficiently. We must be clear that without the human component nothing would be possible and keeping you on the cusp and above your competition depends on it.

You should keep in mind that the higher the degree of training, the greater the quantitative and qualitative productivity of your company's personnel be. Some of the objectives of their training are to improve skills, facilitate opportunities and change attitudes. As Martha Alles said in her book "Strategic Human Resources Management":

“Organizations train to optimize their results, their competitive position. People seek to train themselves to have a great performance at their job, to grow personally and professionally, to improve their relative position in the structure, to summarize, to have a better standard of living.”

But why do we do it in our company?

At UPC Global we train your staff in the most demanding areas of the industry to take their knowledge and skills to the next level, providing certification and learning solutions.

Our goal is to train in the areas of hydrocarbon production, in addition to geology, reservoir, design and construction of wells, and management for oil and gas extraction, based on high performance competencies, with the purpose of contributing to increase recovery of the deposits in a safe, profitable way and maintaining the highest safety standards (SHEQ) to our workers.

What is our reach?

The UPC Global Oil Training Center is a center of excellence dedicated to providing training with the purpose of training the human resource in the areas of production by natural flow and artificial lift as well as in geology, reservoir, design and construction of wells (drilling and completion of wells), management for oil and gas extraction and economic engineering, which contributes to effective and efficient extraction. All this done nationally and internationally with a group of trainers who are highly qualified to give professional excellence, thus contributing to the profitable exploitation of hydrocarbons.

For several years, our organization has actively participated in the oil market, positioning us as experts in the sector. Each year, the update and innovation in training have led us to schedule courses and workshops adapted to the needs of our clients worldwide. The courses are taught by qualified engineers, who have a significant preparation and experience obtained in operating or service companies.

The teaching of petroleum engineering has become a fundamental pillar for each specialist of our organization, at the same time that they continue in their fully operational roles as practicing engineers involved in current consulting projects, which allows them to remain current and up-to-date regarding everything new that can happen in the oil sector.

Behind the training courses, there is a philosophy based on both quality and practical use for engineers and field technicians. Each course comprises a number of specialized exercises, which vary from manual calculations to the use of spreadsheets and interactive software packages. As mentioned before, we adjust to the needs of our customers, which leads to creating courses and training according to what is required.

Personnel training is a task that must be taken into account in each company, regardless of the category to which it belongs. It is one of the most important investments, if not perhaps the most important because with it more competent employees are obtained and therefore, better results and greater economic benefits; aspects that undoubtedly every industry seeks tirelessly.

If you want to know more about our courses, we invite you to visit our website and in the “Training” tab you can access so that you will find out what we will have next. If you wish to teach a specific course for your company's personnel, write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to request the information and we will contact you as soon as possible.


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