Expert Diagnostic Analysis of Deviated and Vertical Rod Pumping Systems

Theta Oilfield Services


XDIAG is a revolutionary new diagnostic and analysis software that combines state-of-the-art expert system and pattern recognition technology with accurate wave equation diagnostic modeling. XDIAG uses exact pumping unit kinematics to analyze any available pumping unit geometry. XDIAG can determine the pump condition, pump friction, fluid level, pump intake pressure, fluid production, pump fillage, and net pump displacement by combining your downhole pump card shape with its built in expert knowledge and pattern recognition techniques. XDIAG can also use IPR data to calculate additional possible production.

XDIAG Software


  • Customizabe Settings
  • IPR Integration
  • Informative Help
  • Batch Mode
  • Detailed Reports

Customizable Settings

XDIAG can create your cases using English, SI (Metric), or Canadian (mix of English and Metric) measurement units. You can also save time by specifying values that usually do not change (defaults) such as company name, electricity cost, standard sucker rod length, tubing size, pump type, maximum allowable steel rod and fiberglass rod loading, rod guides, rated side load per rod guide, rod string and pumping unit costs, etc. (over 40 default settings). In addition to your default values, you can filter our large pumping unit database to only display pumping units that you own.
XDIAG - Customizable Settings
XDIAG - IPR Integration

IPR Integration

IPR integration allows you to have XDIAG calculate the target production from pump intake pressure or fluid level, or to calculate the pump intake pressure from a target production or entered SPM.

Batch Mode

Run multiple vertical or deviated cases at once. After the batch run completes, you can view a summary of your batch in an Excel spreadsheet. The items/values on your spreadsheet can be customized to meet your criteria.

XDIAG - Batch Mode
XDIAG - Informative Help

Informative Help

XDIAG contains expert context sensitive help for every input field and uses a unique visual help system that includes drawings (for pumping unit dimensions, etc.). Also, XDIAG comes with an artificial lift glossary with definitions for hundreds of terms.

Detailed Reports

In addition to receiving an expert analysis design and the calculated result, you can also have XDIAG display reports for:

  • Measured Deviation Survey
  • Deviation Chart (includes a 3D deviation chart and a one page summary with seven informative deviation charts)
  • Inflow Performances (IPR) chart
  • Cost Analysis
  • Dynamometer Cards (includes surface and downhole) and Torque Plots
  • Recommended Guide Report
  • Rod String Order Summary
XDIAG - Detailed Reports
XDIAG - Hardware Independent

Hardware Independent

XDIAG is able to use dynamometer information from disk files, computerized dynamometers (including Theta Oilfield Services T1 Wireless Dyno, and Lufkin Automation dynamometer systems), centralized pump off control systems, or from a Summagraphics Summasketch II, or compatible graphics tablet. This makes XDIAG the only truly hardware independent expert diagnostic analysis program.

If your hardware is not listed, you can export your data to Theta’s dynamometer file format, which is available to everyone, and import it into XDIAG.

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Well Monitoring Equipment used frequently with XDIAG

Model M

Model M

A portable dual-channel strip chart recorder that uses acoustics to obtain the distance to the liquid level in the casing annulus of a well.
Model H

Model H

A stand alone, battery powered microprocessor controlled digital acoustic signal processor, recorder and display unit.
Well Analyzer

Well Analyzer

The Well Analyzer is a computerized instrument for acquiring liquid level data, acoustic pressure transient data, dynamometer data, and motor power / current data.
Theta Oilfield Services

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