Ratigan Stuffing Boxes

Ratigan No. 175 and No. 176 are the only self oiling stuffing boxes on the market receiving their lubrication directly from the pumping well. The No. 176 Box has a shut off feature, while No. 175 Box was not designed with this feature.
These stuffing boxes are made of high pressure electric steel and capable of holding 3000 pounds pressure. They have inner bronze parts, which eliminate any possibility of scoring the polish rod. The spacer is bronze, the plate has bronze insert, and the cap has a bronze bushing to protect the polish rod.
When repacking the box, tighten the screws evenly in the shut off, but be sure to loosen the screws before the well starts to pump. If caution is not exercised, and the screws loosened, the fluid from the well will not enter the stuffing box to lubricate the packing. Replace both No. 176-4 rubbers when replacing the box.
We have improved the quality of the No. 176-4 rubbers, so that these rubbers will wear considerably longer. Experiments have proved that this rubber is far superior to any previous rubber and will outwear any rubber on the market. We make 4 types of rubbers: plain, teflon, insert, lead impregnated and high temperature.
*Specify size and type of thread and size of polish rod when ordering
Please order by name, number and size
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