All Type "X" Stuffing Boxes require Skinner Type "B" packing. This type packing has almost four times more life than a ring type palcing, and is readily adjustable for the size. All SBC Stuffing Boxes have a bronze type bushing, and the bushing and the rubber packing are the only parts neccessary to change from one rod size to another. All threads are lathe cut between centers so the thread is parallel and concentric with the bore of the stuffing box.
SBC Stuffing Boxes are available for rod sizes 1-1/8, 1-1/4, 1-3/8,1-1/2 and 1-3/4, and have working pressures of 1500 PSI.
When ordering Type "X" Stuffing boxes please state size and thread, and polished rod size.
SBC Stuffing Boxes are available for rod sizes 1-1/8, 1-1/4, 1-3/8,1-1/2 and 1-3/4, and have working pressures of 1500 PSI.
When ordering Type "X" Stuffing boxes please state size and thread, and polished rod size.

Key Features
For use on wells where pressure conditions require double packing against the polish rod to prevent leakage or where packing must be replaced while under pressure.
- Available with 2", 2-1/2" and 3" lower connections
- Weight appx. 90 lbs
- Height above tee, 14-1/4"
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