UPC Global Blog


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The real question would be why not? Echometer equipment is currently preferred to use if you want to increase the production of your oil wells and that friend, is an undeniable fact.

When an oil well is installed and there are problems to cover the previously estimated or calculated production rate, specialized Echometer equipment can be used to carry out an accurate analysis of the well, in which the reservoir pressure may not be sufficient to eject the fluids to the surface, so it is practical to use this type of technology, such as Total Well Management Software (TWM), designed for a wireless oil and gas well analyzer, which is the one to help determine if It is necessary to apply Artificial Survey methods, however, Echometer equipment is often used in natural flowing wells, where wireless data acquisition is important to verify the state of the production of the reservoir and with this to be able to apply methods that help optimization from the well.


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Today there are several types of equipment and tools that allow you to make a study and analysis of the condition of your oil well, how is its performance, what may be failing, among other diagnoses that may indicate the state of your productivity.

At UPC Global we have a series of products that will undoubtedly optimize the productivity of your oil or gas well. With the new Echometer technology provided by our allies “Echometer Company” (and us) which is a Texas-based corporation dedicated to the supply of instruments, technology, and training to analyze and optimize the performance of oil, water, and gas wells; We have managed to position ourselves worldwide in the oil sector, which is currently still the most important in the world and which governs most of our economy.


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In UPC Global, in addition to providing you with the products you need to optimize your oil wells, we are also in favor of teaching you how to use them through short but complete videos so that your operational performance is adequate.

This time we show you how to connect the remote fire gas gun and the pressure transducer using Echometer technology.


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Engr. Sergio Caicedo explains how the Echometer equipment is ideal for estimating the productivity index in intermittent gas lift wells to all engineers, field technicians, supervisors, production operators, students and staff involved in the development and practices of technologies in the solution of operational problems in the area of production of artificial lifting systems.


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As time passes, so does its technology, which makes us improve ourselves more and more as humanity and achieve new goals and dreams that came to be thought that it would not be possible. The new ideas, innovations, creativity, hard work of each person is essential for us to continue achieving great things to facilitate and to make the existence on our planet pleasant.

In UPC Global we are in favor of innovation, that great advances are achieved in all possible aspects of the life of each human being and for that main reason, we made an extraordinary union with URREA Professional Tools to work on your projects and finalize them successfully.

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