UPC Global Blog

Recommendations to reduce automatic gas gun maintenance

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At UPC Global, we not only sell our products for the optimization of oil wells through the artificial lift but we also give the training to learn how to use them.

For this reason, we wanted to provide you with a series of recommendations to reduce the maintenance of the automatic gas gun, equipment designed for use with instruments for acoustic measurements and fluid levels which consists of a gas unit and a microphone.

Correction Method In PCP Wells Setting An Approximation In Relation To The Gas-Oil Though TAM Software

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From UPC Global we always seek to raise your skills to another level and for this reason our mission in addition to showing you why our products (Echometer, gas guns, transducers, among others) are the best to improve your oil wells, it is to instruct you through courses, consultations, and blog articles. In order to realize sensitivities that allow us to establish the feasibility of performing any changes in the PCP artificial lift system, it´s necessary to know the current operational conditions and the proportions of the produced fluids (oil - water - gas), being that when there is an incertitude in one of these variables, the effects of the modification in the velocity on the system in the surface as in the bottom equipment are not the most accurate taking the whole system into failures.

UPC GLOBAL: Personnel training to optimize your oil field

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It is no secret to anyone that the human being is always in the constant search to enrich himself of knowledge and thus enrich the projects in which he puts his mind and dedication to. The search for excellence is something that must be kept in mind to apply in every aspect of our lives, both professionally and personally, this being one of the main reasons why at UPC Global we successfully dedicate training the personnel of the oil companies to take them to fastest optimization, keeping in mind at all times and making it clear that to achieve success, investing in the knowledge of the company's personnel is as important as the investment made in the optimization equipment or instruments, achieving together the expected performance and benefits of the company.

Meet John G. Svinos: Expert and founder of Theta Software Suite

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At UPC Global we always focus on learning and boosting our skills to the highest level and that is why when it comes to well optimization it is where we stand out from the rest. Because of this we must keep updated when new technologies arise that are focused on optimizing the oil fields to perform our work as we have always done. From UPC Global we would like you to meet John G. Svinos who is the expert and founder of Theta Software Suite, famous for his great knowledge in Artificial Lift and his contributions to the oil industry.

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